
XUANDA resilience metal butterfly valve

Resilience metal butterfly valve is suitable for a wide range of conditions and media conditions. It is used in corrosive chemicals, water, gas, acid, alkali, hydrogen carbide and many other fluids. It is widely used in the sulfur burning, conversion and dry absorption sections of the acid making system. XUANDA resilience metal butterfly valve is the preferred choice for acid making system.


•  The unique design makes the sealing surfaces rotate without frictionThe resilience seal and wedge design are generated by torque, so that the valve has the automatic sealing function of closing and tightening, and there is compensation between the sealing surfaces.

•  Unique resilience metal seal seat

•  XDSS alloy can be used in highly corrosive medium

Excellent anti-corrosion

• Butterfly valve is preferred for acid plant

• Excellent solution to high temperature concentrated sulfuric acid working condition

• High acid temperature, high flow rate, excellent heat exchange effect

• Convenient and reliable regulating control valve


